The It Gets Better Project
In September 2010 after a number of gay, lesbian and transgender youth taking their own lives as a result of bullying Dan Savage and his partner Terry Miller made a YouTube video to create a personal way for supporters around the world to spread the word and outreach to LGBT youth letting them know that it does get better.

The It Gets Better Project is now a worldwide movement with more than 60,000 personally created videos  and shared stories that have been viewed over 50 million times.

The project has received celebrity submissions including President Obama, Hilary Clinton, Ann Hathaway, Colin Farrell, Adam Lambert, Sarah Silverman, Ellen DeGeneres and many others.

In March 2011 the It Gets Better Project book was released. The book, It Gets Better: Coming Out, Overcoming Bullying, and Creating a Life Worth Living is on-sale wherever books are sold.  It includes essays and new material from more than 100 contributors, including celebrities, religious leaders, politicians, parents, educators, youth just out of high school, and many more.

The project includes an international affiliates program, a legal program to provide relevant content and message points to legal service providers and the community for court cases and advocacy initiatives. The organization also has a speakers bureau to help get the message out and to answer questions of LGBT youth at outreach events. The Los Angeles-based nonprofit now has affiliates in 20 countries.

To get help, get involved, donate or learn more visit


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