Sarvodaya Institute Is Leading Us To New Thinking On Nutrition And Environmental Responsibility

They have done
so while creating healthy organic food in abundance. In fact more than enough for
themselves, their extended family of relatives and friends and untamed wildlife not limited to rare butterflies, hummingbirds, mosquito fish, dragonflies and raccoons that
struggle to eke out good diets due to urban sprawl.
This project has grown into a mission of education on the
how-to's and benefits of urban farming and creating bio diverse mini ecosystems
that give back to our environment as opposed to simply taking.
Fast forward to 2021.... What started out as "The Growing Home" ...a model for sustainable urban living grown has morphed fantastically! It is a nursery, a farm, learning and demonstration programs, a bee club, online learning videos and so much more.
They offer classes and workshops, and host talks by experts in native gardening
and organic farming. Rishi works with educators and students, like those in the Pomona
California School District, on hands on organic urban farming projects. They have also
participated in the Institute of Urban Ecology and . hosted a radio show on
KPFK 90.7FM that was called The Good Food Movement.
Use your social networks to spread the word about Rishi's great work. To volunteer, pick up a membership, request a speaking engagement, read their online farm journal
or visit their online shop for organic medicinal herbs visit
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