Baltimore Rock Opera Society - Rock Driven Stage Shows In Excess!

The Baltimore Rock Opera Society (or BROS) has been all about fun since it was started in 2007 by Aran Keating, Dylan Koehler, John DeCampos,  Jared Margulies and Eli Breitburg-Smith. According to BROS their sole mission is to produce original live rock opera in Baltimore. In doing so they are making musical performance and appreciation accessible to a  broad spectrum of the Baltimore community reaching youth and many that wouldn’t consider traditional musical theater.

The motto of the Baltimore Rock Opera Society is In Panton Redundo—Latin for “in every­thing, excess.” For BROS that means rock driven stage shows in fun excess!

 There are a lot of Do-It-Yourself, DIY, performance venues around the country but I daresay  the BROS formula of  plays interspersed with high energy rock song performances and over the top DIY costumes and sets is a winning combination. They are masterful at getting the most out of a shoestring budget  of only $40,000 a year made up almost totally of ticket sales.

BROS doors are open to actors, musicians, technicians, artists and designers to bring their skills to the mix. Even their in-kind donation whish list is fun; low heel pointed toe shoes for men and women, crystal ball, pipes, canes, dead light bulbs, weird medical and science instruments, colorful fabrics, large acoustic bullhorn, pizza, beer, Pro MX and acid bleach, doctor’s bag ….. and the list goes on! And they are always looking for enthusiastic volunteers. And cash is always a nice way to show your support. 

This highly energetic group of actors, writers, designers, builders, musicians, and crafters bring forth incredible and unique live performances unlike anything in the region. Every year thousands of fans flock to shows, concerts and festival appearances to witness the the city’s most collaborative, creative production troupe.

If you are visiting Baltimore it would be a worthy experience to attend or volunteer for a performance- or both. And if you are involved in a local DIY performance venue in your area I guarantee you’d get a lot out of a visit to the Baltimore Rock Opera Society. You can find them on Twitter, Facebook and their website
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