Hanahauoli School - Learning By Doing


Honolulu Magazine

Hanahauoli School Hawaii - Founded in 1918, Hanahau‘oli is regarded as a preeminent independent elementary school in Hawai‘i. Hanahau‘oli is committed to learning by doing. It integrates the essential skills and concepts of the basic disciplines. It promotes critical and creative thinking, and emphasizes the important role of the arts as an expression of self and culture. The school serves roughly 200 students kindergarten  through 6 with 20 teachers and 10 specialists.


According to Lia Woo, head Of School, “At Hanahau‘oli, we build upon children’s natural curiosities. By observing and listening to the children, faculty design rich, experiential learning experiences that naturally engage and stimulate the quest for more learning.” Use your social platforms to spread the word about their good work. To learn more, donate and get involved visit https://www.hanahauoli.org


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