What Do You Want Most In The World? A Pencil.


That answer to changed Adam's life.

Pencils Of Promise asks a simple question, “Can you imagine note being able to read this sentence?” And then points to the fact that 250 million children cannot.  In other words, 250 million children of primary school age lack basic reading, writing and math skills.


The organization was founded by Adam Braun. He recalls that while traveling he asked a young boy begging in the streets of India. “What do you want most in the world?” Adams recalls the boy replied, “A pencil.” And Adam reached into his backpack and gave the boy his. A smile erupted and his eyes brightened. Adam said it was then he saw the profound power and promise brought through something as small as giving a pencil to just one child. Over the next five years, he backpacked through more than 50 countries, handing out thousands of pens and pencils across six continents. In 2008 Pencils Of Promise was founded. The nonprofit builds schools and provides quality educational programs in Ghana, Guatemala, Laos and Nicaragua.


Programs also include teacher support and water and health programs. The average global cost to build a PoP school is $50.000. Use your social platforms to spread the word about their good work. To learn more, donate and get involved visit https://pencilsofpromise.org


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