Helping Teens Aging Out of Social Services and Terminally Ill Kids Through Education, Camping and Bass Fishing
  Sitting at "Five," the bar at Hotel Shattuck Plaza in Berkeley, CA I struck up a great conversation about social responsibility and giving back with Chris and Roy-- 2 independent contractors taking a break from their work. Their passion and personal mission is to reach out and help  teens "aging out" of our social services system and kids with terminal illnesses whose parents -- as a result of drug addiction, finances or other circumstances -- really aren't there for these kids.

Through our conversation I learned about  a national organization called  Independent Order of Odd Fellows (IOOF) and their charitable work including education- literally getting kids to college and striped bass fishing trips - giving many kids  their first experience outside of gang and violence riddled neighborhoods. They even have a summer camp program.

What's more I mentioned to Chris and Roy, in passing, my own little effort with my kids of literally filling our living room and kitchen with  hundreds of brown paper bags and making  lunches we hand out to the homeless (generally at 5th and San Pedro in Los Angeles) from the back of our car.  I'm not wealthy and with the tight economy I have recently done less of this than I'd like. Chris and Roy  volunteered to, through IOOF (Independent Order of Odd Fellows) , provide me the food to give out to the homeless. I'm probably going to get their Lodge wrong - I think it is Lodge 206 or 207 (sorry Chris and Roy). But by all means got to to learn more and get involved.


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