Bread Over Bombs Feeding People In Crisis

Their music is a message in action.  Bread Over Bombs is an activist rock band that uses 100% of profits from music CD, LP and downloads sales to feed people in crisis around the world.  Through their work with the LA Regional Food Bank Bread Over Bombs has already provided more than 10,000 meals. 

With the release of their new self-titled  album available on  and iTunes purchases and support, which translate directly to meals to feed people in crisis, are spreading internationally. CD’s are even available at Tower Records in Japan.  And Glasgow SE Foodbank in the United Kingdom is giving away the album with every donation.  You can check out their album review on AMN- the Australian Music Network.  The music is a blend of timely and relevant messages with great music.

The initiative started with Founder Brad Mitchell long ago. He began volunteering at the age of 7 alongside his grandmother in an Arizona charity-funded Navajo school and a San Francisco rescue mission.  In the years following the global financial crisis, primarily a songwriter and lead vocalist, Brad kept hearing the news say that the economy was getting better and better but he couldn’t see it. He was literally seeing people he knew still out of work and living in their cars. He started out handing out bags of oranges and apples along with bottled water and even giving pet food to those who needed it. But he wanted to do more. Being a musician he thought the best way to help would be to use those skills and create a non-profit musical entity with the goal of helping feed people in need.

You can like Bread Over Bombs  on Facebook, follow on Twitter and share their YouTube music video for the single “Revolution Now,”

You can also buy the music to share with friends and spread the word.

TWITTER @breadoverbombs

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