WOMEN AT WORK Empowering Women and Filling Jobs For Over 30 Years

In 1979 three women only armed with a self-help book, a lot of determination and hard work founded this nonprofit organization. The women; Betty Ann Jansson, Barbara Burke and Marge Leighton were granted a Federal Tax ID number and nonprofit certification and began what has become a 30 year mission to empower women. The experience and observation of the three was that women, no matter what their education, often earn less than men and are under-represented in many employment fields.

In recent years with the economic down-turn Women At Work has broadened its mission to provide services to both men and women seeking work.

Women At Work is currently the only non-government bilingual (English/Spanish) career and job resource center serving Los Angeles County. There services include support in resume development, employer forums, career counseling, computer training and its job search resource center.They also provide services en Espanol.  To learn more,  visit http://womenatwork.org/.
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