A Search For Self Turns Into Global Mission For Good

Sierra Leone Rising, formerly The Kposowa Foundation, is a 501c3 non-profit organization that was formed in 2005 by co-founders, Sarah Culberson and John Woehrle to  build and restore much needed educational facilities, provide safe clean drinking water, solar electricity and agricultural development in the village of  Bumpe Sierra Leone. While the nonprofit has plans for a much broader global impact over time Bumpe was selected because Sarah, adopted and raised by a white family in the U.S., traced her natural family and heritage there.

Visiting Bumpe to trace her roots Sarah discovered human suffering and need that she could not turn her back on.

The Bumpe high school, once a renowned boarding school with an enrollment of over 600 students from as far away as Nigeria, was destroyed by R.U.F. rebels during Sierra Leone's 11-year-long civil was from 1991-2002.

The Civil war also caused serious and grotesque human rights violations to many people. Thousands of Leonean people were left without hands, arms, feet, legs and with a homeland left in chaos. According to Human Rights Watch, over 50,000 people were killed during the war, with over one million people having been displaced. 

The foundation has made great progress in rebuilding the school - but is faced with need of financial contributions to rebuild much needed bathroom facilities. Work is under way to construct wells to provide safe drinking water with the help of donations from 2 U.S. Rotary clubs and the Rotary Foundation.  However, a number of projects including a solar electricity project and agricultural development projects remain unfunded.

You can find information to share via your social media networks on how you and your social media connections can help at http://www.bumpefund.org or by emailing info@bumpefund.org
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