
Showing posts from March, 2021

Circus Project of Portland Helps At Risk Youth

Image Can you imagine a  nonprofit  that celebrates  circus arts , overcomes social barriers and helps  at risk youth ? Well that's   Portland's  Circus Project founded by Jenn Cohen who became enthralled with the  flying trapeze  at a visit to  Club Med  when she was 13. The nonprofit creates professional  contemporary circus  productions  with the international known performers in the field. They offer workshops, classes and technical training courses in circus arts to  homeless  and  other at risk youth --- and uses circus arts to teach critical  life skills . The Circus Project has continually prioritized making quality circus arts education accessible for people facing barriers, and offers over $60,000 in scholarships every year.     In 2019, and with seed funding from Cirque du Soleil, The Circus Project founded The Voice Project, a social justice-focu...

Sarvodaya Institute Is Leading Us To New Thinking On Nutrition And Environmental Responsibility

Some time ago, watching the documentary Urban Fruit by Roman Zenz I was fascinated by the story of Rishi Kumar a highly educated engineer by training who gave up a promising career in information technology to choose a different path. Along with his mother they had transformed their once wasteful and nonproductive meticulously landscaped yard into a productive bio diverse urban farm which uses about 1/3 the water it took to keep their lawn green.  They have done so while creating healthy organic food in abundance. In fact more than enough for themselves, their extended family of relatives and friends and untamed wildlife not limited to rare butterflies, hummingbirds, mosquito fish, dragonflies and raccoons that struggle to eke out good diets due to urban sprawl. This project has grown into a mission of education on the how-to's and benefits of urban farming and creating bio diverse mini ecosystems that give back to our environment as opposed to simply taking.  ...