
Showing posts from January, 2018

Volunteer Divers of Nonprofit Ghost Fishing Scours The Ocean Removing Nets That Kill Fish

For this Netherlands-based charity a very special set of unique skills, along with passion, are required. And according to founder Pascal van Erp, “It is very important to show the world how big the problem is that we are talking about.” “There are lots of nets out in the oceans.” Each dive costs between $2,000 and $2,700. Thus far the group’s only source of support has come from the Dutch government: $530,400 from a pool created by the sale of lottery tickets. Pascal leads a team of 30 to 40 volunteer divers in the North Sea. His group coordinates and works with a loosely integrated network of like-minded divers around the world. “In the last three years, we have made 100 dives and removed 10 tons of fishing gear from the sea,” he says. The nets are then recycled into socks and other textiles. Their efforts are both difficult and dangerous. “It’s the most difficult type of diving I’ve ever done,” says Heather Hamza, one of roughly 50 volunteer divers who make up ...

STEAM Coders Teaching Disadvantage Students Tech Fundamentals

Founded in 2014 STEAM Coders has already served nearly 400 greater Los Angeles area students. The Pasadena, CA-based nonprofit   is teaching disadvantaged and underrepresented middle and high school students of color the fundamentals of Science, Technology, Engineering,   Art and Math (STEAM). While ethnic and racial groups that have historically comprised a minority of the U.S. population are growing in size and influence, they remain underrepresented in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics nationally. 4% of minority students are awarded degrees in physical science while 12% of other students receive degrees in this area. In 2011 National Science Foundation Reports Low Minority Representation on STEM Faculties. And according to the New York Times, in 2013, both women and people of color earned fewer higher education STEM degrees than ever. STEAM Coders is on point to, through hands on activities, field trips and classroom instruction, h...

Network For Teaching Entrepreneurship-Work That Matters

This organization, a super early player in this field, was started in New York City in 1987 by Steve Mariotti, a former entrepreneur turned high school math teacher in the South Bronx. Network For Teaching Entrepreneurship (NFTE) has worked with more than 600,000 young people from low-income communities in programs across the U.S. and around the world. As of fall, 2014 NFTE operates our successful curriculum in 17 U.S. communities and 10 countries and is continuing to expand. There are opportunities to volunteer in Chicago, Miami, various New York state locations, Los Angeles, D.C., Baltimore and Boston. As a volunteer you have opportunities to support young people in the development of business ideas with positive social impact.   Volunteer roles include becoming a guest speaker, offering to be a field trip host, business plan coaching, mentorship and other options. There are also opportunities to bring the NFTE program to a community you want to support as a NFTE te...