
Showing posts from November, 2019

WELIFTLA – Providing Former Foster Youth Needed Adult Transition and Life Skills

Nationwide, according a report from Children Uniting Nations, as of 2014 463,000 American children live in foster care. California has a larger number of children in the system than any other state based on a 2009 AFCARS report. Generally at age 18 these young adults are considered “emancipated” and “age out” of the foster care system.  According to an article by John Kelly Editor-In-Chief of the Chronicle For Social Change and the Alliance for Children’s Rights, the number of young adults in California staying in the system for extended foster care up to age 21 has more than doubled since 2012 from 2,000 to over 5,000. The fact is whether at age 18 or 21 these young adults exit the system and then what? The answers are in the data from WELIFTLA and Alliance for Children’s Rights . ·          The stats for those exiting without any sort of housing have varied from 30 – 65% depending on the year ·   ...