Southern Rural Women Committed To Help Themselves And Others

The Southern Rural Black Woman’s Initiative (SRBWI), founded in 2000, works in 77 counties across the Black Belt regions of Alabama and Southwest Georgia, and the Delta in Mississippi. SRBWI is focused on meeting the needs of unemployed and underemployed Black women using advocacy, self empowerment, capacity building, technical assistance and public education activities so that low income women become advocates for themselves and others. The organization’s mission is to support and facilitate the capacity of women to take responsibility for their own personal and economic lives. SRBWI, through outreach programs, engages women in advocacy and policy initiatives to redirect local, state, and federal resources to help ensure women’s full access to economic and social justice. SRBWI also helps build links between women’s groups focused on this common goal. They also have an economic and community development agenda for women which includes workforce develo...