
Showing posts from February, 2018

Not All American Indians Benefit From Casinos

That unfortunately is a myth.  The Native American Heritage Association was started in 1993 by David G. Myers after witnessing the extreme poverty and desperate circumstances of Native Americans families living on Sioux reservations in South Dakota and Wyoming. It is a 501 c 3 nonprofit providing self-help services, clothing and food donations, transportation services for the sick and elderly and even propane for heat and cooking. Please, through your social media networks, encourage your fans, followers, connections and "retweetters" to visit their site, , where you and your network can view a slide show of a typical day of deliveries, driving hundreds of miles, by truck drivers Vern and Dick. Or for info email

For Gil Garcetti and Barbara Goldberg Wells Bring Hope

It all started when Gil Garcetti spoke at Barbara Goldberg’s Salon Forum in 2008 sharing powerful photos he had taken in Western Africa. He shared the dire need for safe drinking water and the endless struggles of women and girls to get it.     In 2009 Barbara founded Wells Bring Hope and, partnering with World Vision, drilled 10 wells the first year. Inspired by the commitment of Wells Bring Hope Gil Garcetti continues help share the story of this struggle for safe drinking water through speaking opportunities and his photography. In the Fall of 2007, the UCLA Fowler Museum had an exhibition of his photographs, “Women, Water and Wells.” In 2009, many of these photos were on exhibition in the visitors lobby of the United Nations in New York. In February, 2008, these same photographs and his words inspired the founding of “Wells Bring Hope.” Since its start Wells Bring Hope has funded 511 wells helping over 514,567 people in West Africa. Both Gil Garcetti ...