Amigos de los Rios Building Parks and Engaging Community

Amigos de los Ríos (AMIGOS) was founded in 2003 with the mission of building parks with a bigger use while fostering environmental sustainability. AMIGOS focuses on developing and implementing multi-purpose, state-of-the-art parks in park-deficient neighborhoods. Their projects use green techniques such as on-site water filtration, bioswales, and low-water-use irrigation. In their park projects they also integrate drought-tolerant and native-plant landscaping to conserve water, protect biodiversity and natural resources. They are currently working to make their amazing vision of “The Emerald Necklace” -an unbroken network of parks and connecting nature trails and bike paths that stretches from the San Gabriel Mountains to the Sea- a reality. AMIGOS is committed to engaging the community while reflecting community needs through programs including curriculum creation for K-12, family-oriented environmental educat...