
Showing posts from September, 2014

Afghan Refugee Girls' Primary Schools

According to Betsy K. Emerick, PhD; the life expectancy for Afghan women is 44 years.  The Afghan literacy rates are 31% for men and 15% for women The average Afghan  woman will bear 7.4 children and 57% of Afghan girls marry before the legal age of 16. This is why she needs our help to make a difference by using social media to spread the word to help her continue Afghan Girls Schools.  The schools are located in refugee camps in Pakistan that have been home to nearly 2 million Afghan refugees for over a decade.  The schools are currently educating 600 girls. It costs $85 to pay a teacher's salary for  one month,  a school uniform costs $5, a sewing machine costs $40 and you can give a girl a year's education for  just $55. For more information email: IMAGE -

Helping Teens Aging Out of Social Services and Terminally Ill Kids Through Education, Camping and Bass Fishing

Sitting at "Five," the bar at Hotel Shattuck Plaza in Berkeley, CA I struck up a great conversation about social responsibility and giving back with Chris and Roy-- 2 independent contractors taking a break from their work.    Their passion and personal mission is to reach out and help  teens "aging out" of our social services system and kids with terminal illnesses whose parents -- as a result of drug addiction, finances or other circumstances -- really aren't there for these kids. Through our conversation I learned about  a national organization called  Independent Order of Odd Fellows (LOOF) and their charitable work including education- literally getting kids to college and striped bass fishing trips - giving many kids  their first experience outside of gang and violence riddled neighborhoods. They even have a summer camp program. What's more I mentioned to Chris and Roy, in passing, my own little effort with my ki...