
Showing posts from February, 2014

American India Foundation Connects US and India

Image Founded in 2001  American India Foundation (AIF)  is a network of US-based chapters that form the basis of the organization's giving and initiatives that currently contribute to the support of 150 non-government organizations in India. The India-based organizations that AIF supports provide a wide array of programs and services, that so far have benefited more than 1.5 million people in India. AIF initially began with donors and fundraisers in Silicon Valley, New York and Chicago. Now has chapters across the US including the Midwest, Dallas, DC and southern California. The organization's intent is for those here in the US to contribute to and support non-government organizations in India to assure that those in need in India have access to healthcare, education and employment.    AFI chapters include both young professionals groups and junior chapters for high school students. To ...

Jessica’s Hope Project –Providing Nutrition-Based Care Packages To Deployed Military

It all started when Jessica Maddin was inspired to send an email to the CEO of 24 Hour Fitness and within 10 days had received an unbelievable amount of donated goods. Since December 2013 Jessica’s Hope Project has shipped nearly 2,000 nutrition-based care packages to deployed troops. They are raising money to cover shipping of more care packages and keep the momentum going. The nonprofit says that according to data from the U.S. Marine Corps, “The average deployed individual loses 50 pounds per deployment.” The mission of the Jessica’s Hope Project is to keep this from happening by providing protein bars, muscle milk and vitamin supplements to as many military individuals as possible to maintain their physical well-being and mental sharpness. In many locations where troops are deployed there are very few, if any, food options other than MRE’S (made ready to eat) which were not designed to be the daily sole nutritional source for 2000 daily calories – and apparently the...