Quality Education For 600 Children, 7,000 Business Microloans- And Sustainable Empowering Solutions

Six years ago Tiffany Persons a Southern California based commercial and music video casting director traveled to Sierra Leone to create a documentary on the impact of diamond mining. She immediately was taken over by the country’s poverty and economic needs. She fell in love with Sierra Leone’s culture and its people. She founded the nonprofit Shine On Sierra Leone (SOSL) with the mission of creating sustainability programs that would aid its people and its economy while helping Sierra Leone's culture thrive. Through SOSL Tiffany's efforts have not only rebuilt a dilapidated school in the village of Kono but also provided upgraded education for 600 children, providing 7,000 micro business loans and further aiding the economy by making 12,000 individuals across the country computer literate. Partnering with Salone Microfinance Trust the nonprofit has secured over $600,000 in funds for micro loans. Working with Waves 4 Water, another nonprof...