Gifted Nations Positive Messages Against Bullying

We may have missed their June 2012 fundraising performance but their message and their mission are something we don't want to overlook. Gifted Nations is a talented local Southern California multicultural girls' group. Their musical mission is conveying positive messages to teens of encouragement, about tolerance and against bullying. These young ladies also demonstrate these messages in life. May 26, 2012 they gained positive attention and media coverage by launching their first annual "Day Of Positive Tweets" encouraging us all to send positive tweets including stories, quotes, poem and photos. Among those taking notice was Oscar winning actress and TV host Mo'Nique. In June Gifted Nations joined in to help nonprofit Saving Our Daughters spread the word against bullying in California. You can check out a little music clip on youtube at And to learn more about what the girls are up to, how you can donat...